Romain Failliot

If you are on the page, it probably means you want to know more about my little person. So I'm going to introduce myself like it should be done; it's going to look strangely like a resume, yes indeed! It's also the purpose of this page :)

In order to protect my personal informations, I prefer not to divulge them widely on the site. Nevertheless, please feel free to contact me:
romain.failliot [AT] foolstep [DOT] com

Thanks for your comprehension.

Photo Friend of GNOME

Professional Experiences

April 2019Current
Generalist programmer – Ubisoft (Montréal, QC, Canada)

Part of the Ubisoft Technical Group (TG).
Create a web-based ecosystem to help artists and productions to manage their assets.
Back-end developer, using web technologies such as C#, MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes, and Gitlab CI/CD.

November 20162 years and a half
Animation programmer – Unity Technologies (Montréal, QC, Canada)

Maintain animation engine and tools.
Especially on the Playable API and the new DOTS animation engine

April 20133 years and a half
Animation & AI programmer – Ubisoft (Montréal, QC, Canada)

Maintain animation engine and tools.
Integrate animations in AI systems.

March 2018: Far Cry 5
November 2014: Far Cry 4
January 20085 years
Engine & Animation Programmer - Ubisoft Production (Montpellier, France)

Specialization in the third-gen platforms (PS3, XBox 360, Wii U and PC).
Code optimizations for each platform; use of Sony's EDGE library.
Programming of an importer, based on the FBX 2012 SDK, to convert assets from Max/MotionBuilder to the game editor: LyN.

December 2012: ZombiU
July 2011: From Dust
November 2009: Rabbids Go Home
June 200618 months
Tools Programmer - Ubisoft Pictures (34, France)

Maintain the animation engine (PC, Wii, XBox 360 et PS3)
Maintain the animation editor.
Cinematic tools development.
Intern training.

December 2006: Rayman Raving Rabbids
January 20066 months
Internship at Ubisoft Pictures (Montpellier, France)

Create and integrate an animation editor in the new third-gen game editor.

October 20043 months
Internship at Ubisoft Pictures (Montpellier, France)

Improve an animation software and learn more about game development.

July 20022 months
Internship at Mikros Image (92, France)

Programmation of a software after the observation of the movie post-production domain.


20043 years
Engineering cycle at EPITA
Engineering degree in 2006
  • School projects - System programming, shell, Java game...
20022 years
Preparation cycle at EPITA
  • School project - Image manipulation software
    Project lead of a 4 students team
  • School project - Video game development
    Project lead of a 4 students team
Baccalaureate (scientific, specialized in mathematics)

Computer Science Skills

Programming languages:
C#, C/C++, Gitlab CI/CD, PHP/MySQL
MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes, UML, Java, Python, Javascript, HTML
Libraries and API:
Graphic softwares:
The GIMP, MotionBuilder, 3DS Max, Maya, Blender


Sports - Hobbies

Last modification: 2019/03/30